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Temmuz, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

The Beginning of the Labor Movements in Britain and Relations with Britain Through the British Labor Party in the Early Years of Türkiye (1825-1940)

In the UK, as in many other places, it has not been easy for workers to obtain certain benefits. In the United Kingdom, workers' unions were allowed to be formed in 1825. This permission was granted on the condition of not going on strike. However, in 1838, the first political attempt was made. This movement was called "Chartism". Labour leaders, some radical MPs, and a few intellectuals gathered and drafted a proclamation called the "People's Charter." Their aim was to grant certain rights to the working class. Although this movement continued until 1848, no result could be reached. Workers gained the right to vote only in 1867. In 1880, they succeeded in getting 11 deputies to the parliament. They accomplished this by nominating from the list of liberals. The name of the union that succeeds in this is the "Labour Representation League". Their becoming a party was led by James Keir Hardie in 1887. The name of the party was determined as "Sc

Is That It #2: Are Leaders Born Or Made?

Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever." But what is it about human nature that destines some people, like Napoleon, for glory? Is the ability to lead, achieve, and even change the world something that people are born with? Or, is becoming a successful leader something that is acquired over time? New research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology sheds new light on this age-old question. Researchers at the University of Houston, the University of Illinois, and the University of Tübingen in Germany compared personality test results of 1,795 individuals who first completed a personality test in 1960 (at age 16), and then again in 2010 (at age 66). The scientists examined 10 facets of personality, one of which was leadership. The thought was this: if leaders are, in fact, born, participants' personality test results at age 16 and 66 should be relatively consistent. However, if leaders are made, participants sho

Psychological Warfare: The First Days of the Lausanne Conference

We have arrived in the 2020s. These years will be very important years for the historians of the Republic of Türkiye. For politicians too... Ultimately, for every citizen of this country. With the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, the 100th anniversary of many events that were important in the establishment and rise of our Republic will be left behind. In this process, more than the discussions made in the past ten years over the Lausanne Peace Treaty, which will be the 100th anniversary of its signing in 2023, may take place in these three years. In our age, where it is very easy to access information quickly and easily, reading remains in the background, and reading texts are not sources of information that will distract us from wrong and distorted thoughts. What we need to do is to gain different perspectives and nurture our world of thought. Even if we have access to information quickly and easily, we should not accept it as correct because