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The Beginning of the Labor Movements in Britain and Relations with Britain Through the British Labor Party in the Early Years of Türkiye (1825-1940)

In the UK, as in many other places, it has not been easy for workers to obtain certain benefits. In the United Kingdom, workers' unions were allowed to be formed in 1825. This permission was granted on the condition of not going on strike. However, in 1838, the first political attempt was made. This movement was called "Chartism". Labour leaders, some radical MPs, and a few intellectuals gathered and drafted a proclamation called the "People's Charter." Their aim was to grant certain rights to the working class. Although this movement continued until 1848, no result could be reached. Workers gained the right to vote only in 1867.

In 1880, they succeeded in getting 11 deputies to the parliament. They accomplished this by nominating from the list of liberals. The name of the union that succeeds in this is the "Labour Representation League". Their becoming a party was led by James Keir Hardie in 1887. The name of the party was determined as "Scottish Labour Party". Keir Hardie made his way to parliament in 1892.

The foundations of today's Labour Party were laid with a large meeting held at the London Memorial Hall on February 27, 1900. “Labour Representation Committee” was established. In 1906, 29 deputies managed to enter the parliament under the name of the Labour Party. In the elections held in 1910, they were able to get 40 and 42 deputies into the parliament, respectively.

Until 1918, the Labour Party consisted of a confederation of labour unions and socialist associations. With the new regulation, it has been made possible for individuals to enter as members, and special facilities have also been provided for female voters.

In the 1918 election (Coupon Election) held at the end of the World War I, the anti-war labours' leaders were severely defeated.

For the first time, they became the main opposition party in the elections on 15 November 1922. They reached the number of 142 deputies.

In the 6 December 1923 elections, they elected 191 deputies and joined the Liberals to form a minority government against the Conservatives. Labour Party Leader Ramsey MacDonald served as British Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary from 22 January 1924 to 4 November 1924.

The Minority Labour Party-Liberal Party partnership did not last long. The Liberals agreed with the Conservatives and re-elections were held in 1924. Although the Labour Party increased the number of votes by one million, it lost 40 deputies and could only get 151 deputies.

The Labour Party emerged as the first party in the 1929 elections, which were the next elections. This second government of the Labour Party was also established with the support of the Liberal Party. However, the economic depression that dominated the world at that time also negatively affected this government.

In 1931 there was a split in the party. MacDonald, Snowden, and J. H. Thomas joined with the Liberals and Conservatives to form a national government. Many other labor ministers and labor MPs formed an opposition under Arthur Henderson's presidency. In the 1931 elections, the Labour Party's deputies remained at 52. Thus, until the elections in 1935, the National Labour Party (National Labour) - Conservative Party - Liberal Party coalition led by Ramsey MacDonald ruled the country. MacDonald presided over this coalition.

In 1935, after Henderson's death, Lansbury was placed at the head of the Party. However, Lansbury's extreme pacifism did not fit the party's policy and Lansbury was not successful. When Attlee became leader, the membership of the party tripled after the 1935 elections. After the outbreak of war in 1939, the Labour Party did not enter a coalition headed by Chamberlain. But in 1940 he accepted the Churchill-led coalition. Labour notables such as Attlee, Bevin, Morrison, Greenwood, and Dalton entered the cabinet.

While the MacDonald Government was in power, few relations were made with Türkiye, but they were very limited as they were in power for very short periods of time.

For example, the Treaty of Lausanne, which Türkiye signed on July 24, 1923, was signed by the United Kingdom on April 10, 1924. It was during MacDonald's premiership that the issue came to the parliament and began to be discussed.

Another event was the Golden Horn Conference held on May 19, 1924. The Mosul Question was the most important parameter of Turkish-British relations between 1923-1926. Pursuant to the Treaty of Lausanne; The negotiations between the Turkish and British delegations in order to determine the Türkiye-Iraq border started in Istanbul on 19 May 1924 and continued until 5 June 1924. The views of the parties did not change in these negotiations, which are called the Golden Horn Conference. In fact, Britain, who wanted to take the issue to the League of Nations, where it had a great influence, chose a politically unsuccessful way at this conference. For example; The British Committee argued that Hakkâri should also join Iraq because of the Nestorian Christians. When the two sides could not come to an agreement at the Golden Horn Conference held between 19 May and 5 June 1924 after Lausanne, Mosul was transferred to the League of Nations by Britain, and on 16 December 1925, Mosul was left to Iraq, which was the mandate of England. Fethi Okyar represented the Republic of Türkiye and Sir Percy Cox represented the UK at the Golden Horn Conference.

The Labour Party ruled the country for a little over 3 years in total in the UK during the Atatürk period.

For the original article in Turkish:


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